I took a free weights class at school this last semester. It was good. I didn't really learn much of anything from the class itself, but I did get many tips and exercises from a few of my classmates. It was such a good thing for me to be using the gym. I had class twice a week, and I tried to get in the gym two or three more times besides that each week. It felt great to be exercising and getting into some kind of shape, as well as developing my body. When I came home, I attempted to get myself into the habit of some form of exercise, but I knew it wouldn't be nearly as extensive as at the gym, and that I wouldn't be able to stick with it for long.
I started off going for a jog up and down the street almost every day, plus a few other leg exercises and pushups. As I expected, that attempt did not last longer than a week. I decided to get a gym membership for the summer. In doing so, I was given a free session with a trainer. That session convinced me to sign up to meet with a trainer once each week. I had two sessions with the original man (both in the same week), I think he must be the head guy or something, and maybe he evaluates people... I dunno. Those were both rather tiring, but esp. the second one, as it was a cardio test and basically left me dead at the end. After that I have now had two sessions with my real trainer. Both of those sessions left me so tired that I was stumbling to the car afterward.
Unfortunately, though I have a membership now, and a trainer to stimulate me to work harder and do more, I only went into the gym once last week besides my session. I did do a few things with an exercise ball at home another day, and Saturday I went through the whole regimen from the previous session. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be to find time to get over to the gym. What with working most days, family stuff, and working on staining my grandparents' porch (they live 40 minutes away), I don't have much free time. But the first trainer I met with was right. Having a trainer to meet with once a week does provide that extra push to keep you working. Knowing now just how hard he'll push me in my sessions really makes me feel the need to actually go exercise more throughout the week so I can develop those muscles which he completely wears out in my sessions, both because now I'm aware of how much they need it, and so that he can't wear me out that completely again the next time.
Yesterday's session wore my legs down to rubber. I had to lean heavily on the railing as I stumbled down the very shallow steps like an infirm old lady. I was afraid that if I did not take very shallow, careful steps across the parking lot that my legs would just give way and I'd helplessly fall to the ground. That worn out feeling has now given way to intense soreness. It burns just to crouch down to sit on the toilet! Oy I need to work out more. I think by the end of the semester I had rather plateaued, and now I am getting that push up to a higher level. I thought I was in such great shape (for me at least) when I came home. Still can't run, never was a runner, but I was pretty well developed everywhere else. Turns out I had barely touched on things, and the way I was exercising was not the most efficient. I can work harder and better in just half an hour with a trainer than I did in an hour on my own at school. This will be incredibly good for me, but first I need to relocate and renew the enthusiasm I initially had for working out when I signed up. Haha, they had several forms for me to fill out at the beginning, and one section on one of them had me rate how motivated I felt to exercise and get in shape. I was still hyped up from what I had been able to do at school, and really wanted to continue that and push it farther, so I answered 9 on a scale of 1-10. I think I've dropped down to a 4 or 5..... I despaired a bit after those sessions, but now I'm ready to re-energize and get working!
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