So my lovely friend over at posted an artwork of hers (June 28th) that I feel should be the cover of a book. Of course, it appeals to my love of fantasy, and even sci/fi fantasy. It would totally work. Due to her jest that I should write the book for her, I have experimentally begun a document with character names, and soon will attempt to come up with some sort of basic plot. I've never really written anything before. Well, of course, not anything besides the many papers I've done for school, but those weren't creative writing. I used to keep up an adventure series via email with two lovely friends of mine, but those were based off of an already existing story world. (LOTR) Beyond that, I did also share a similar series with one of the girls involving aliens we made up and their battle for planet Earth. However, none of that was really story-writing.
I attempted to write a short story of sorts last year, but ran across many difficulties. For one thing, I cannot write prose. I basically summarized everything as I wrote, never writing a single word that the characters actually said to each other. That was a huge block for me. Another thing- I don't know how to develop ideas. I can have (what I think to be) a great idea, and a few other random ideas that connect in some way, but I can't develop them and make them connect. However, I had limitations for that short story. I wanted it to be like a fairy tale with a moral, like a cross between a parable and a fairy tale. I suppose I had bounds for my other creative venues as well, since the LOTR series already provided me with characters, places, and certain plot-lines (even if we did transcend some of them and made some very interesting developments...), and my alien adventure was somewhat bound to our galaxy and the planets familiar to us. Perhaps I could do more with a completely fresh topic, no limits, no presets. Just a blank screen, an inspiring picture, and my own, overactive imagination.
I'll give this a go, and let you know how things progress. If the words start to flow at some point and I manage to write several pages or even a chapter that flows well, I might post those pieces here. Or I might not. It depends. "on what?" you ask. Ah, well that is a secret. Not really. Maybe. Ok. I'll explain, somewhat. I am self-conscious of my writing. I never show anyone (besides the professor grading the work) things that I have written. I am also worried that I may get a few decent pages, get stuck, skip to another area and get a few decent pages, ad get stuck again. Eventually I'll reach an impasse and all attempts will cease. Really, who am I kidding here. Why write when a) I'm not a writer, b) it would never go anywhere, c) I'm just a musician, and d) who really cares anyway?
*sigh* Well, I won't talk myself out of it quite yet. I've already decided to make an attempt and see what I can do, so that's what I will do. Stay tuned...
I heartily recommend a book titled, "The Right to Write," by Julia Cameron. Great encouragement to beat back those nagging doubts and insecurities, get over those stumbling blocks, and BE a writer! Oh, and I love those lovely friends with whom you wrote LOTR stories! Hugs.
Well? Where is my book?
Okay, I can understand not wanting to share your writing for whatever notactuallygoodenough reason, BUT I think I should get to see what you have so far. The characters and the plot line. I mean, I'm the one who planted this idea in your head, no?
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