Monday, October 12, 2009

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Plan me no plans, I'm in no rush.

So it seems that everyone wants to play matchmaker for Rachel right now. ??? *sigh*

Rachel has become immersed in the Greencastle culture and community since she spent all her summer here and really got to know the people. She now has many wonderful friends in the community (adults, she loves adults), that she has various activities, concerts, rehearsals, meetings, and church with. So now what happens to her? The women take deep interest in her personal life and ask her about relationships, some even going so far as to hint at particular people and try to set her up. Bah. Rachel doesn't need or want that right now. She is just too busy, not ready for all that, and is actually pretty happy with life right now. (plus she is going on for several more years of schooling after she graduates in '11, so why bother with a boy right now?) Tonight was the first time that a man tried to play matchmaker for Rachel. Yeah, interesting. Let me tell you something, no matter how nice a guy is and no matter how much fun you can have hanging out with him as a friend, a 20 year old girl and a 39 year old guy just isn't going to work. (there are other reasons, but that is definitely the most obvious.) It is, admittedly, rather amusing, but definitely not what Rachel needs right now.

Anyway, Rachel will stop speaking in the third person, end her little blurb, and go back to her homework.

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