Saturday, January 23, 2010

puzzle pieces and realizations.

I used to enjoy puzzles when I was younger. Loved going through all the pieces and figuring out where they went in order to recreate the pretty picture. In real life, however, things are different. You don't always know what the picture is supposed to be, and all the pieces don't necessarily come in the box. You have to look for them, but you don't always know where or even what you're looking for.


It's strange how things change when you find yourself on the opposite end of things. Say you're in a situation, but you don't know what to do or what to think, then suddenly you find yourself on the opposite end of a similar situation and you realize things you couldn't from the other end. Yeah, that's me right now.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Winter Term

So I'm back at school and into the last week of Winter Term. Feels so weird! I'm definitely not ready for the semester to start yet. There's so much I was hoping to accomplish over winter term, but have not been able to do so. Of course, I haven't exactly been managing my time very well. I've been practicing a good amount, though not as much as I had intended to. I have been spending more time with people and getting to know some of my classmates better, so that's good. Thing is, haha, I still have not completely unpacked from break..... *shhh* I'll get to that eventually. Need to make a clean start to the semester. Also need to get myself back into a decent sleeping schedule. Well, I guess that unless I get scheduled for work early in the morning, I could actually sleep to a later hour during the semester on Tue, Thu, and Fri. But all the same, it's not good for me to stay up as late as I do all the time. But I love the night time! I love sleep too, but I can do that anytime. kinda. But I love the quiet at night and being able to hang out and be goofy. Hm. Choices. Anyway, time to get back to stuff. I waste too much time online. Going to actually hang out with the girls I live with. It's sad how little I see them, even though I live with them.