Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Busy busy busy.... here comes my recital!

So this will be brief, as I am only on lunch break between classes.

Life is soo busy, and especially this week. But Thanksgiving is almost here, and before you know it, the semester will be over! Yesss! The past couple weeks I've been averaging 5-6 hours of sleep a night, and it's starting to tell. I feel myself fraying around the edges, constantly worn out, and now I think I'm getting sick. Not good. Friday is my Junior recital, and I would really like to be healthy and rested for it. Problem is, Friday morning I have a test in German.... normally I will stay up till 1:30 or 2 studying the night before, then get up again at 7 to study some more before work. Can't do that this week, must sleep before the recital. I'm feeling pretty good about the recital itself, I'm prepared and surprisingly, not nervous. I just have to somehow manage to get through everything I have before that point in time.... but beyond all the crap that I don't want to think about, I'm really excited about my recital! I've never felt so secure and prepared on my music before! I have a lot of friends coming, including many wonderful people from the community, and many of my knitting group ladies are taking the place of my family (who won't be able to make it, too far away), and providing the reception. I have such amazing friends. :) Oh, and I get to wear a lovely dress. Always a nice thing. Problem is, I have to find shoes.... hate shoes. I always play barefoot, but I can't give my recital barefoot, unfortunately. So.... I am attempting to locate a pair of silver flats of some sort.... ugh. Maybe I will post some pictures here after the recital.... maybe. Depends on how good they turn out.

Alright, must clean up from lunch and prepare to head out for class again. I just felt like posting something, since I haven't in a while.

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