Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Back to writing....

So I need to get back to this whole writing thing.... I can't tell you how many times I'll be sitting around thinking, or laying in bed, trying to sleep, and I get this idea I want to write about here. Problem is, I never do.... and then I lose the idea(s). Sometimes it just seems like too much work to turn on the computer or pick up a pen and paper and then attempt to make enough sense of the thoughts to be able to translate them into words... But then, if I don't take the time to work out my thoughts and ideas and understand them enough to share them, I end up forgetting them, and they are lost forever. Ha. But you know, I never write what I intend to write in here. I start typing about something, and inevitably I end up rambling about something else completely. Or just rambling in general, like what I'm doing now. As usually happens when I start writing, I now have several things I wish to write about, but it would be far too confusing to attempt them all simultaneously, and would take far too much time and effort to address them separately right now. I felt that I needed some sort of ice-breaker, as it's been so long since last I wrote, and I guess this will have to do. Perhaps tomorrow I will take the time to fully expound upon one of the potential topics in my mind right now. For now, I must away to bed.

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