Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Brief review of my old blogs

So, I have just revisited most of my old blogs. Wow was that a trip. Now, in an attempt to reassure myself that I really can write properly, lucidly, and seriously (among other things), I have determined it to be necessary to write a new post here. It was actually somewhat shocking and embarrassing to see what I was like and how I wrote just a few years ago. I started my first blog shortly before my 16th birthday, and blogged on some site or another pretty steadily almost until freshman year at college, took a break from spring of senior year in HS until second semester Freshman year in college, then got back into it. So yeah.... I was pretty young when I started my first blog. and I was going through various... issues.... Of course, there was the whole "trying to discover who I am and find my place" bit going on, and the "trying to break out of the mold of a 'homeschooler'" bit, and the typical teenage rebellion at times, as well as other contributing factors (one of which, probably the most major one, I may ellaborate on in here at another time). But anyway..... looking back over those blogs brought some embarrassment, an appreciation for where I am now, and made me relive a lot of memories I had completely forgotten about. I don't have much of anything I really want to write about right now, but I just need to prove to myself that I can write clearly, somewhat maturely, and to some kind of point.

It's kindof strange. I know college has changed me a lot, but I didn't appreciate just how much until I looked back on those blogs. I feel almost like a completely different girl from the one who used to write in those blogs. I can see traces of my younger self in who I am now, but I can also see that I have developed quite a bit and matured a great deal. (Of course.... I still have a ways to go, haha, but then again, you gotta keep a bit of the child within you at all times.)

Actually, I do have something just about ready to post. Another bit of poetry. It's not *quite* right yet. I don't know if I'll actually be able to get it "right", but in any case, I'm not quite ready to post it yet. Once again, it's not exactly a really positive piece of poetry, but it's not darker and even depressing like my older poetry. And it definitely has a cheese factor going for it... haha. But anyway, that post will make its way up here eventually, and then you can judge for yourself. For now, I really need to study for my Computational Neuro exam on Thursday......uggghhhh.

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