Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ice Day(s)!

So back home in CT everyone is getting slammed with crazy snow storms. Well, out here in Indiana, we got majorly slammed with an ice storm! By yesterday evening the county had issued a level 1 weather emergency, and travel was restricted to emergency vehicles only. The University was closed down yesterday and today as well. This is a pic from yesterday, before phase two of the ice hit, but you can see already how the trees were laden down by the ice. It was crazy! Well, it still is, and it's even worse. We've had lots of falling limbs and power lines.
The branches don't look like this anymore, as now they have at least a full inch of ice on them, but this pic will give you an idea, anyway. Just before phase two started to hit yesterday evening, I went outside with two of my roommates to have a bit of an adventure in the ice. The cars were (still are) completely iced over. Like, there is no way anyone is going to get in their car for a very long time. One car we saw on the side of a road had been completely smashed in the back by a giant, ice-covered limb that had fallen. It was sad.
It is very Narnia looking out there-- Always winter, never spring. It certainly looks like everything is permanently frozen over, has been for a long time, and will continue to be for an indefinite amount of time. It's actually really cool! I know it's scary, how much ice there is covering everything, but it's so beautiful! I'm so glad we haven't had classes, so I can just enjoy seeing the ice out there. And not die while trying to walk through it.....
This is how the grass looked yesterday.... Individual blades were coated with ice, and it was so amazing! When we ventured out to explore and adventurize, we had a lot of fun crunching across the grass, feeling it break under our feet. Hahaha, it was like a premature stress-reliever. (we've only had one day of classes so far this semester, so not much stress has built up yet, but still....) One of the girls was so funny. She is one of the sweetest creatures you will ever meet, and she was the one to get us started stomping on the grass. She was enjoying "killing" various things, because the were so frozen that if you shook them or tried to crack the ice off, you'd end up actually breaking the branch/leaves/grass/what-have-you off. I stole all these pictures from a very artistic friend of mine who put up a very large album on facebook. I'm hoping someone will put up more pictures from today. This afternoon we all ventured out to the home of a family who lives just off campus.Their eldest daughter graduated from DePauw last year, and the mom is a member of my knitting group.
They are an absolutely wonderful family, and they like to have college students over to their house every Tuesday evening for dinner. Due to the extreme weather conditions yesterday, we postponed dinner until a mid-afternoon deal today. Walking over there was amazing! Due to the new layer of ice, the grass was completely covered, no lumps poking out, and most of the footprints and tracks made in the sidewalks were also filled in. It was so slippery! I slid most of the way, and it was such funnn! I kindof want to go adventuring tonight and slip and slide my way around campus. It would be so awesome by moonlight!

But anyway, I should actually read some stuff for my psych class tomorrow. I just wanted to put up a few pictures and talk about the adventure the past couple days have turned out to be. Fortunately, we never lost power and had to be relocated like a couple places had to be.

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