Thursday, August 27, 2009

No computer :(

So I know I haven't posted in a while... even though I keep meaning to, and even have things to write about (which I promptly forget when I actually sit down to write), but I have been without a computer for a week now... The monitor is acting up, and I took it to the people at the help desk, and have yet to hear back about it. rawr. I guess it's good in a sense, since I can't waste time online, but now that classes have started, it would certainly be useful to have the internet available to me, and other functions such as word document and finale.

But anyway, let me fill you in (those of you who actually read this...) on a little bit of my life lately. I have started my Junior year at DePauw.... scary stuff. Yet, at the same time, I'm a lot more relaxed this year than the past two. I feel almost at peace, ready, and almost carefree. That's not to say that I don't care about anything this year, that I don't care how I do in school or anything, but I'm not worried so much, not so anxious, tense, and nervous. I think part of it is that I am kind of making a fresh start this year. Due to several different factors, I have realized the need to make a fresh start. The past two years, I allowed so many things, both personal and outside factors to distract me from what I should be focusing on, and to affect my work, how I spent my time and energy, and my personal relationships with people. Certain events and my own personal reflection have made me come to understand the need for a change. Of course, there's only so much that one can change at one time, and some things will take some time and work, but I have made the first step. I realize that I am being cryptic, but interpret this as you will. Just know that I am far more relaxed, relieved even, and anticipating a very good year. (Though hard.)
I think that is all I will say for now. I will have to come back at a later time to post on an observation I had a week or so ago, yet never had a chance to write on.

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